Tuesday 6 December 2011

celtic camp!!

Celtic camp was the best field trip I have ever went to. There were awesome consilers and we got to pick our own cabin members. We went to the beach to do a swim test and we rode a bus. The games after dinner were fun but we didn't really do anything!!
Our conselers where awesome becasue they let us do what ever we wanted. They would leave so we could do what ever we wanted! At meals we would have to do something imbarrassing if our elbows were on the table. My friend had to spell her name with her butt, it was funny because we knew the people in the table next to us.
When we went to the beach the first day we went there. We got a volley ball and we weren't aloud to us our hands and we had to bring it p 1 side of the bus to the other side.And when my friend got it she throw it at another persons head that was infront of us. And his friend got mad at us and we had to sit beside them when ever we had to go to pole. When we got to the beach we had to go in the FREEZING cold water and do a test. When we got there no one wanted to go in the water and when you got your test done you can do any activity in the water as long as you have one of the braclets.
At any meal and we were caugth with our elbows on the table we would have to do something silly. Some people had to write there name with there butt, walk around and do the walse, put something on there face and go to every table and ask if you have anything on your face.
And thats why celtic camp was my best field trip i had during my elementary school

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