Remember being little and thought boys had deseas? Yes were going back to public scool..My elementray school was ok. I went to 2 different school.. I made a lot of new friends but i had a lot of old friend. I aslo got better at some subjects. I went toCaradoc South school for 9 years. I started to go to Caradoc (Central) school for 1 year. When I was a little girl I went to Caradoc South school untill grade 7. Then when we went for grade 8 our school closed because there was to much mold. Our school at Caradoc South was fun and I had a few friends because our school only had 89 children going to it. When we went to Caradoc (Central) School there were a lot more children. I am pretty sure there were 400 and something like that. I like Caradoc South school better becuase there wasnt that many people who went there. I rather go to a school that dosent have that many people that go to the school. If there want that many people who go to the school then I will know all there names. I didnt like how we had to leave our school just before we graduated. At our old school only 1 person from our old school won award. But when we got to high school we knew a lot more people so that we didnt have to be in class by our self.
My friends at Caradoc Siuth were Avery Bilyea, Kayla Reimens, Mairi Belrose, Santana Brideau, and my sister Destiny Thompson. But when we went to Caradoc (central), I made new friend and i kept the old ones. So my friends at caradoc were Amy Glover, Holly La Rocque, Tori Sharpe, Christine Languille, Chris hendrick, Shayna McFadden, Shannen Rowe, Anika Pardy, Dana Healy, Lauren Bower, and my old friends. Those were only the girls and they were in my grade.
My elementary school was awesome. I only went to 2 different schools and i'm pretty happy that's al, and during the 2 different school, I meet a lot of wonderful friends!!!